July 20, 08
We left Port McNeill today and pulled in to Alert Bay once more. We returned to a run down dock with old fishing boats on it. However somebody was already in our spot so we sqeezed in on the other side. The minute we started to relax after pulling in my mom invited a large group of people to come check out our boat. They were from boat at the end of the dock. With them came a woman named Darcy from another boat named Mycia. When you build your own boat you are supposed to name it after your eldest daughter. Hence the name "Mycia". She lived on the boat with her parents and four crew. The owner John Maher built the boat in his back yard and launched in 1997. She is a beautiful boat. I got to climb up rigging which from the ground doesnt "look" that high up but once you get there, its VERY high. Hopefully someday I will be able to be on the boat during one of there charters. Personally I would rather be crew. They left for Port Hardy at about 6:00. As did Purusha. I think thats how it was spelled. Anyway, each visit in Alert bay has been very nice. I highly recommend it.