Sunday, July 13, 2008

Port McNeill

Port McNiell. Interesting place. Sort of. No one smiles when you say hi to them here. They just nod or ignore you completely. We've only met a few friendly people. Those who are paid to be friendly and a grocery clerk. The town does have a few highlights, though. 1. A grocery store 2. A library (which satisfied Meercat until she saw it was the size of a small trailer) 3. A chocolate store. (which satisfied Aeron, period.) 4. A sports shop 5. A "movie theatre" (playing things like Aladdin, the Jungle Book, and Robin Hoods Adventure) And last but not least a vast variety of restaurants to sit at and be ignored. Overall Port McNiell is not my favorite place on Vancouver. 
  We can start to see the ocean from where we are now. You can tell were getting farther north because the water is freezing and you cant see the sun. Ever. An to put the cherry on top of this magnificent place were stuck here until my dad gets back in two weeks. 
All smiles,
p.s. Hello to Anna, Sophia, Sophie, and any other person reading this. :)

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